The story begins with Phishia, a girl marked by misfortune, fleeing into the night as her own villagers pursue her. The village chief has condemned her, declaring that those born without stars like Phishia bring bad luck and shouldn't exist. As dawn breaks, exhausted and desperate, Phishia navigates through the forest to her secret hideouts. She retrieves her hidden belongings—magic bags, cookware, books, potions, and other essentials—feeling relieved that her pursuers haven't discovered her main stash.
Phishia, however, is no ordinary girl. She is a human reincarnated from another world. Although her memories of her past life are faint, she occasionally hears whispers from it. Resigned to a life of hardship, Phishia decides to emotionally detach from the village that has shunned her, trying to move forward despite her bleak circumstances. As she struggles to climb a hill, nearly falling off a cliff, she longs for practical skills and a fresh start.
While exploring, Phishia stumbles upon a dumping ground. Her familiarity with the area suggests she has been here before. She rummages through the garbage, finding usable clothes, a mat, and expired potions.
The tamer and his colleague, tasked with clearing the trash, are searching for her. They suspect Phishia might be heading towards a nearby village called Laughap and express unease about the chief placing a bounty on a young girl, considering it an extreme measure. Phishia overhears her pursuers' intentions to capture her dead or alive and realizes the village chief wants her eliminated for good.
Injured and exhausted, Phishia uses several old healing potions, though they are not very effective. Later, she finds a clear river and takes a moment to relax—something she has rarely experienced. Determined to be bold, she recalls the fortune teller’s advice to disguise herself as a boy for safer travel. She cuts her hair, changes into boyish clothes, and adopts a new name: Ivy, likened to the resilient plant.
As Ivy continues her journey, she encounters a unique, glowing slime.
The next morning, Ivy wakes to find the slime still alive, contrary to her expectations. Surprised, she resolves to follow the fortune teller’s advice to head to the royal capital. During her travels, Ivy tries taming the slime by channeling her magic into it.
Later, Ivy traps and butchers her tenth field mouse, showing respect for its sacrifice. Reflecting on her past life, she prepares the meat for a feast with Sora. As she checks her map, she realizes the royal capital is not even shown, indicating a long journey ahead. Deciding to head towards a nearby town called Odto for safety, Ivy narrowly avoids detection by a group of monster ants and tends to a cut on her face with expired blue potions.
Upon reaching Odto, Ivy notices wanted posters with her image and a hefty reward for her capture. Realizing she is now a fugitive, she is struck by how skills and magic are integrated into everyday life. Passing a bakery, she longs for bread and considers selling the field mice she has hunted. Hesitant, she is approached by a butcher who, sensing her presence with his two-star odor skill, praises the quality of her catch and offers her 100 dowel for it. With her earnings, Ivy buys bread and enjoys the kindness of the bakery owner, who mistakes her for a boy.
Finding a secluded spot, Ivy shares her bread with Sora, who shows no interest in eating. She learns that Sora, the rare slime, communicates by spreading itself out and has a unique ability to dissolve in organic material. Ivy tests this by offering various potions, finding that Sora prefers the blue potions and devours them eagerly.
As Ivy prepares for the next leg of her journey, she encounters more danger. A gust of wind nearly sweeps Sora away, and she narrowly avoids recognition by a group of adventurers. Fearing discovery, she leaves the village abruptly, saddened by her departure despite the villagers’ kindness.
At a crossroads, Ivy is unsure which direction to take. Sora tries to communicate something but Ivy cannot decipher it. Regretting her hasty departure and now hungry and thirsty, she chooses a path and finds a tree with delicious fruit. However, Sora’s disapproving gestures alert her to danger. The tree transforms into a monster, and Ivy is attacked. In a tense moment, Sora saves her from the monster's attack, but Ivy is injured and falls unconscious.
In her dream, Ivy remembers her childhood. Her father, Tableau, a woodcarver, was overjoyed at the birth of his daughter, naming her Ivy. Her family’s warmth and care are a stark contrast to her current struggles. As Ivy reflects on these memories, she realizes how far she has come and how much she has lost. The episode ends with Ivy’s struggle for survival and the hope of a better future.