The highly successful American television series, The Blacklist, which has been officially branded by NBC as one of its most adored and longest-running shows, is finally closing its curtains after a gripping 10 seasons that delivered over 200 thrilling episodes. The impactful conclusion of the final season, Season 10, has garnered a whirlwind of emotions from viewers globally, and shockingly, the end is now in sight.
The announcement was shared by the relentless steam engine behind the production, The Blacklist's showrunner, John Eisendrath. He graciously expressed honour in reaching the forthcoming closure of his masterpiece after an incredible journey spanning a full decade, numerous intriguing Blacklist cases, and a series built on more than 200 high-quality episodes.
Eisendrath stated, "We've revelled in the absolute pleasure of devising the bewildering, menacing, but also delightful array of Blacklisters aimed at pushing Raymond Reddington's and our FBI Task Force's limits every week. Our gratitude extends to everyone at NBC and Sony, our outstandingly superb crew who consistently surpass expectations daily, our perpetually creative writers and producers, and our phenomenal cast that has breathed life into these fascinating characters.
Appreciation further extends to our passionate fanbase who has shared in this heart-stopping journey, supporting the show through thick and thin.
For anyone interested in knowing more about the thrilling climax of The Blacklist, here is some noteworthy data on the series finale:
When and where can lovers of the show tune in to catch the final episodes of The Blacklist? The ground-breaking series finale is set to air as an expansive, two-hour-long episode on the evening of Thursday, July 13th at 8/7c, exclusively on NBC. Once it has premiered on NBC, the two-part finale will then be available for streaming on Peacock.
NBCUniversal Television and Streaming's Lisa Katz shared enthusiastic sentiments about the show, articulating, "It's not often that a series becomes a significant part of an audience's lives to the extent of airing for an impressive 10 seasons.
Huge thanks must be extended to our cooperative partners at Sony, and everyone in the past decade who has contributed to incorporating this show as a key part of NBC's rich legacy. Moreover, a distinctive mention to James Spader, whose unrivalled performance continues to be exceptional and worth applauding."
For those who are intrigued about where to steam past episodes of The Blacklist, they can all be found on NBC's streaming partner, Peacock, all episodes will be available to stream on this platform after their initial airing on NBC.