The story begins on a warship, where two women, Catalina and the blue-haired Laria, find themselves cornered by a group of armored soldiers. Catalina, a formidable warrior, swiftly dispatches the soldiers with a single stroke of her sword. As they proceed cautiously, a mocking voice interrupts their escape. A man taunts Catalina, revealing a mysterious jar with a glowing crystal inside. The crystal’s energy causes a painful reaction in Laria, who collapses from the agony. Catalina rushes to her side, demanding the man stop, but he only mocks her further. Suddenly, Laria’s eyes blaze with a blue light, causing the crystal to explode and shatter the warship.
Meanwhile, on a peaceful island, young Gran is busy cutting wood and dreams of becoming a skyfarer. His tranquil day is interrupted by a distant explosion. Alongside his friend Verne, a talking dragon, Gran investigates the source of the strange light and finds Laria unconscious beside a tree. When Laria awakens, Gran introduces himself and reassures her, despite her initial fear of the talking dragon. After clearing up the confusion, Laria recounts her recent ordeal, revealing that Catalina rescued her.
As they make their way through the forest, they are ambushed by soldiers searching for Laria. Gran fights off the soldiers, but one manages to send a signal about their location. Gran learns from Laria that the soldiers belong to the Earth Day Empire, known for its corruption. Just as they are surrounded by the soldiers, Catalina appears and defeats them all with ease. She introduces herself to Gran and Verne, explaining that she was once a lieutenant of the empire.
The group encounters Captain Palmer, who summons a powerful hydra to attack them. Gran is gravely injured in the ensuing battle. Laria, seeing Gran’s condition, connects with his subconscious to reassure him. As Gran wakes up, he notices a change in himself. He and Laria raise their hands to the sky, invoking the deity Bahahamet. A magnificent dragon descends, overwhelming Palmer and his hydra with its power. Palmer, realizing he is outmatched, retreats with his soldiers.
After the battle, Catalina observes Bahahamet’s immense power and notes the significance of Laria’s abilities.
Gran wakes up to find Laria and Verne beside him, with Catalina explaining the situation. She reveals that the Earth Day Empire has been researching primal crystals and that Laria possesses the power to control primal beasts from the Astrals.
Back in the village, Gran announces his departure with Laria and Catalina, receiving mixed reactions. His friend Aaron tries to dissuade him, but Gran’s father supports his decision. Gran promises to return and, amid laughter over Laria’s hungry stomach, the villagers celebrate with a feast.
The next day, as Catalina prepares her airship for departure, Gran, Laria, and Verne say their goodbyes. The airship takes off but soon faces trouble, leading to an emergency landing on the Island of Eng. A man inspects the wrecked airship and questions the crew about the accident, setting the stage for new challenges and adventures to come.