The remarkable story of Abby and Brittany Hensel, conjoined twins who captured the world’s attention decades ago, is once again making waves. After years out of the public spotlight, the twins have resurfaced with some surprising updates—especially around Abby’s marriage to Josh Bowling. But the journey hasn’t been without controversy.
Abby and Brittany Hensel first gained fame in 1996 after their appearance on
Despite their unique condition, the Hensels’ family raised them to believe that they could pursue any dreams they chose. In a documentary, their mother Patty shared, “We raised them to believe they could do anything they wanted to do.
While the twins have chosen to stay largely out of the public eye in recent years, Abby’s recent marriage to Josh Bowling has once again drawn public interest. The couple’s wedding photos were shared on TikTok, giving fans a rare glimpse into their special day. Bowling, a veteran and Christian, proudly lists his roles as “father, husband, and occasional gamer” on his social media profile.
This milestone marks a new chapter for the twins, but with newfound attention comes a fresh wave of curiosity and, unfortunately, online scrutiny.
Abby and Brittany have been open about their boundaries when it comes to their personal lives. In the 2012 documentary , Brittany explained, “The whole world doesn’t need to know who we’re dating or what we’re gonna do.
The twins have also spoken about their hopes for the future, with Brittany expressing a desire to start a family one day. “Yeah, we’re going to be mums,” Brittany said in the documentary, though they admitted they hadn’t yet considered the logistics. Their mother Patty noted, “That is probably something that could work because those organs do work for them,” indicating a positive outlook for their dreams of motherhood.
Shortly after Abby’s wedding announcement, her husband, Josh Bowling, found himself at the center of a legal dispute with his ex-wife, Annica Bowling. Annica filed a paternity suit in October 2023, contesting Bowling’s role as the father of her three-year-old child. According to a recent paternity test, Gavin Vatnsdal was confirmed as the biological father, and the court ruled to remove Bowling’s name from the birth certificate.
Bowling’s attorney argued for his client’s discharge from the legal responsibility, while Vatnsdal’s attorney, Gregory Seamon, stated, “It’s not Mr. Bowling’s child. It’s my client’s child.” The judge’s ruling finalized this decision, bringing a degree of closure to the situation for all parties involved. While the matter is now resolved legally, it has added an unexpected twist to the twins’ already complex and highly publicized lives.
Despite the challenges and controversies, Abby and Brittany continue to inspire millions. Their resilience and ability to live life on their own terms make them symbols of strength and adaptability.
Are you inspired by Abby and Brittany’s story, or curious about the challenges they face? Share your thoughts below and join the discussion on this incredible journey that continues to defy expectations.