Phil is a struggling student at a prestigious magic academy. Unlike his peers, Phil lacks any magical abilities and compensates by relying on his sword to tackle enemies. His situation becomes more challenging in Professor Edward’s class, where a lesson on fire spells is being conducted. Edward, known for his disdain for non-magical students, selects Phil to demonstrate a fire spell, fully aware that Phil cannot perform magic. As expected, Phil fails to produce the spell, leading to ridicule from his classmates. Edward’s intention is clear: to humiliate Phil for his lack of magical talent.
Despite the mocking, there are a few who stand by Phil.
As Phil walks with Colette after class, he expresses his gratitude for her support. He remarks on how their shared struggle has led to a positive bond, despite the negativity he faces. Colette is initially flustered by Phil’s compliments but regains her composure, reminding herself of her noble status and her own goals.
Phil reflects on the history of his world, where darkness once reigned until the Celestial Host was overthrown by the Magi Vanders, powerful wizards who brought light and hope. He reminisces about his childhood friend, El Faria, who dreamed of seeing the sunset and becoming a Magi Vander. Although Phil promised to achieve this with her, his lack of magical talent makes the promise seem like a distant dream.
Phil’s resolve to become a Magi Vander remains unshaken, even if it means taking on immense challenges.
Phil’s hope hinges on earning enough credits to advance. Worker informs him that reaching the Magi Vander status is highly improbable without magical abilities, yet Phil remains determined to prove himself. With only two days left to earn additional credits, Phil decides to hunt a monster worth four credits.
Unbeknownst to Phil, Cheyenne, who harbors a deep hatred for him, plans to sabotage his efforts. Cheyenne intends to kill the Baskerville first and then confront Phil. Cheyenne and his friends, confident in their ability to handle the dungeon’s dangers, move deeper into the dungeon. Their plan is to ensure Phil’s failure and force his expulsion from the academy.
As Phil ventures into the dungeon, his pet senses danger, but Phil remains confident, believing his experience with Baskervilles will give him an edge.
Phil, hiding behind a wall, witnesses the situation. He sees Cheyenne struggling against the Sentinel and considers intervening. Despite his desire to help, Phil hesitates, weighing the risk of engaging with such a dangerous monster. His decision to act or remain hidden could determine his fate and his standing in the academy.
Ultimately, Phil's determination to prove himself and his sense of justice drive him to assist Cheyenne, despite the personal risks. His actions in the dungeon reflect his unwavering resolve to rise above his limitations and fulfill his promise to his childhood friend, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles.