In a gripping tale of espionage and supernatural forces, Special Forces sniper Lzi and his large partner, Son, find themselves entangled in a perilous adventure that begins with an undercover operation in the jungle. Their mission, initially a simple interception of illegal medicine, soon plunges them into a forbidden cave steeped in ancient curses and hidden powers.
The story kicks off with Son, posing as a buyer of illicit goods, being led through the dense jungle by a dealer. Son, trying to buy time, uses his bulk to pretend he needs a break, secretly activating his watch to signal the rest of the unit.
The Special Forces team tracks them to a secluded waterfall with a cave entrance, where they encounter an old ranger named Mr. Lynn. The ranger warns them about the cave’s deadly reputation, having seen many lives lost over the years. Despite the warnings, the unit proceeds, driven by their mission and the urgency of the situation.
Inside the cave, Lzi's supernatural abilities begin to manifest. He experiences a vision and discovers hidden masks on the cave walls, leading to a secret passage. The team discovers empty crates that were once used to conceal contraband. Just then, the dealer and Son arrive, frantic and claiming they are being chased by monsters.
The situation escalates as they explore further and encounter the bodies of the dealer's guards, fallen to the creatures lurking in the cave. The unit is soon under attack.
As the team fights for survival, Mr. Lynn reappears, revealing himself to be the orchestrator behind the horrors of the cave. He discloses that he is the true target of their operation and that his aim was to hide his contraband from the authorities. Lynn's true form is a dark and powerful entity, and he unleashes a devastating flood to drown the unit.
Just as all seems lost, a powerful mage named Wu Mian intervenes.
In a dramatic twist, Mr. Lynn attempts to escape but is ultimately defeated by Lzi. Wu Mian then destroys the tower, causing a spectral upheaval. Amidst the chaos, Lzi is overwhelmed by a dark force, falling unconscious.
Upon waking in an infirmary, Lzi finds himself in the care of Bai Lu, a stern figure who questions his credentials and the authenticity of his powers. She explains that they were quarantined to ensure they weren’t infected by any supernatural forces. Lzi and Son learn that they are now part of the Bureau of Paranormal Investigation and Research, an elite agency tasked with handling supernatural threats beyond the capabilities of ordinary law enforcement.
The duo is introduced to Chief Gao and offered a position as new recruits in the bureau. The offer is enticing—ten times their current salary—but comes with the caveat of a 99-year contract.
As the story concludes, Lzi and Son embark on a new chapter in their lives, now part of an organization dedicated to unraveling and combating the mysteries of the supernatural world. Their adventure in the forbidden cave marks only the beginning of their journey into the unknown, setting the stage for future encounters with the supernatural forces that lurk beyond the veil of the ordinary.